The Arno after a storm...
Among the many relief efforts which rushed to aid Florence, it is inspiring to learn of Gli Angeli del Fango, or the Mud Angels. They were volunteers from all over the world who dropped everything to turn up in Florence's time of great need. Some of them were experts in the field of art restoration, others were young students. They tirelessly set about the task of digging out the city and attempting to save the artwork that they could. Two notable examples of art that were eventually recovered (though unclear if it was the work of the Angels) were The Doors of Paradise by Ghiberti, and, the Crucifix by Cimabue, which sustained massive damage.
The next time you visit Florence, seek out the wall plaques which show the heights the flood waters reached and say a thank you to Gli Angeli del Fango for their gift of love and hope to the world.