These were all taken at my parents' home in Girard Pennsylvania over Labor Day Weekend.
I used a polarizing filter on these photos, and I used two different lenses for the shoot - one, a 24-105 Canon (set on 105 to get closer) and the other one a 100mm macro. These Sunflowers are tall tall tall!
I love Sunflowers, they are so cheerful. My dream photography trip is to visit France in July and take photos of both the Lavender fields and the Sunflowers...
Great job on the sunflowers. I like how were able to get the deep blue with the filter. You are going to really enjoy your macro. I have the same lens for my Canon and love it. I've also found it does a great job for taking pictures while cooking. The ability to get in close is great for creating interest.
Thank you Marta! Yes, the polarizer really makes a difference. I'm enjoying it very much.
Terrific sunflower shots!!
So vivid...glorious!
What lens/macro did you use?
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