Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My new little Canon S90

I bought a new little P&S recently. I have always had a P&S to supplement my DSLR and I typically replace it about every two years or so. This was the 2d year after my purchase of the Canon SD800IS. Canon is working overtime to narrow the gap between the SLRs and the P&S and they have really hit on a great formula. This camera is just a shade larger than my current P&S (miniscule amount, really) but it is fully manual including RAW. It's a dream to use. I agonized over the S90 versus G11 for a little while but am very glad I bought the S90.

Here you will find two photos which were taken within days of buying the camera, both in London. I took advantage of United double-miles offer and spent 3 nights there. London - my favorite city in the world.

Here is my slideshow of photos taken in London with the S90:

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